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- 2019-02-01
(account, counter)
この動作が必要な場合は、アカウントベースのスマートコントラクトシステムでエミュレートできます. たとえば、コントラクトでは、コントラクトへのすべてのトランザクションで現在のストレージのハッシュを渡す必要がある場合があります.ただし、その逆は当てはまりません.
First off, utxos and accounts aren't that different. You can look at the pair
(account, counter)
as almost equivalent to a utxo.The main reason has to do with concurrent access to smart contracts. In most cases, two transactions to the same smart-contract will commute (or almost commute) and therefore the senders do not need to know what other transactions are affecting this particular contract in the same block.
For instance, imagine a contract selling plane tickets. Until the plane is full, transactions to that contract will commute. My buying a plane ticket and your buying a plane ticket can happen at the same time.
If we try and extend the UTXO model to smart-contracts, as soon as I buy my plane ticket, the contract would in a sense be destroyed, and a similar contract selling one fewer ticket would be recreated with a different handle. We would not both be able to access that contract in the same block.
If this behavior is desired, it can be emulated by an account based smart-contract system. For instance, a contract could require that every transaction to it must pass a hash of its current storage. However, the reverse is not true.
Therefore, the account based system is more expressive.
どうもありがとう、それは非常に明確です!mempool管理に関しては、これの裏返しについても話していたことを覚えています.最終的なチェーン状態は、適用されるUTXOの順序とは無関係であるため、UTXOを使用すると、マイナーがtxのサブセットを選択しやすくなると思います.一方、アカウントモデルでは、契約を結ぶtxの順序が最終状態に影響を与える可能性があります.しかし、mempool管理自体にどのような制約が生じるかを忘れました.Thanks a lot it is very clear! I remember you were also talking about the flipside of this when it comes to mempool management i believe where UTXO make it easier for a miner to choose any subset of tx to include because the final chain state is indifferent to the order of those UTXO being applied whereas in an account model the order of tx hitting a contract may impact its final state. But i forgot what constraint it creates on the mempool management itself.
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- 2019-02-01
- Ezy
それ以来、本当に重要なのは、トランザクション*料金*の支払いのためにutxoのようなプロパティを保持することであることに気づきました.そうすれば、mempool管理と操作の準可換性のすべての利点を得ることができます.I have since realized that really matters is that you keep utxo like properties for the payment of transaction *fees*. If you do that, you get all the benefits of mempool management and quasi-commutativity of operations.
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- 2019-02-01
- Arthur B
tx.最後の発言をもっとよく理解したいと思います.別の質問に値する?tx. I would like to understand your last remark better. Worth a separate question ?
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- 2019-02-01
- Ezy
明確に述べられている限り、別の質問に喜んでお答えします:)Happy to answer a separate question, so long as it's clearly stated :)
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- 2019-02-01
- Arthur B
https://tezos.stackexchange.com/questions/156/how-does-tezos-manage-its-mempool :)https://tezos.stackexchange.com/questions/156/how-does-tezos-manage-its-mempool :)
- 1
- 2019-02-01
- Ezy