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- 2019-02-03
- Sm00g15
1 回答
- 投票
- 2019-02-02
Sure, "non-commutativity" has its challenges. Mempool management is closely aligned with incentive mechanism and thus the baker's strategy. In tezos, as far I know, endorsement operations have higher precedence (preferred by bakers) as they determine the fitness of the block they are going to produce and therefore the chance of it being part of canonical chain.
Right now, other operations are then added to block using knapsack with constraints on block size and maximizing transaction fee. So it is the case that order in which operations are applied can invalidate some operations in mempool.
ありがとう!knapstackとは何かについて詳しく教えてください.また、あなたがそれに精通している場合、mempool管理に関連するtezosのコードベース内の場所は何ですか?Thanks! Could you please expand on what is knapstack ? Also what is the location in the code base of tezos that relates to the mempool management if you are familiar with it ?
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- 2019-02-02
- Ezy
また、特定の操作が他の操作よりもパン屋に好まれる理由(承認、高額)について回答しましたが、非可換性が実際にどのように処理されるかについては、まだ完全には理解していません.Note also that you have answered why certain operations would be preferred by bakers before others (endorsements, high fees) but i don't fully grasp yet from your answer how non-commutativity is dealt with in practice.
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- 2019-02-02
- Ezy
詳細ナップサックはここ(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knapsack_problem)にあります.ブロックサイズの制限内でブロック内に多くの操作をパックし、合計tx料金を最大化することが不可欠です.単一のアカウントからの「非可換性の処理」操作は常に順序(アカウント+ナンス)であり、1つの操作(同じナンス)のみが実行され、他の操作は無効になります.これは、実際には、操作が正規のチェーンに入る順序です.ベイカーは、州への影響に基づいてオペレーションを含めるという決定に実際には基づいていません.Details Knapsack can be found here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knapsack_problem) . essential packing as many operations in block within block size limit and maximizing total tx fee. "Dealing with non commutativity" operation from a single account are always in a order (account + nonce), only one of the operations (with same nonce) will be executed, others become invalid. It is just really the order in which operation enter the canonical chain. Bakers don't really base their decision to include operation based on their effects on state.
- 2
- 2019-02-02
- Amit Panghal