`ajax-admin.php`は..ajaxリクエストを処理します.タイトルと一般的な質問をクリアしてください、`ajax-admin.php` handles.. ajax requests. Please clear your title up and the question in general,
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- 2012-12-27
- Wyck
4 回答
- 投票
- 2012-12-27
はWordPress AJAX API の一部です.はい、バックエンドとフロントの両方からのリクエストを処理します. wp-admin
is part of the WordPress AJAX API, and yes, it does handle requests from both backend and front. Try not to worry about the fact that it is inwp-admin
. I think that is a strange place for it too, but it is not a security problem in itself. How this relates to "enumerate the admins", I don't know.-
wp管理ページを外部から利用できないように移動することをお勧めしますか?そして、そうすることでajax管理者の何かが混乱するかどうか知っていますか?would you recommend moving the wp admin page from being externally available? and do you know if doing so would disrupt anything with the ajax admin?
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- 2012-12-27
- nick
これが何を意味するのか100%はわかりませんが、 `wp-admin`内のファイルへのアクセスをVPNのIPから行う必要がある場合は、AJAXを台無しにする必要があります.AJAX呼び出しはユーザーのブラウザーから行われるため、ユーザーのIPから行われます.I am not 100% sure what this means but if you require that access to files in `wp-admin` be from your VPN's IP, then yes that should mess up AJAX. AJAX calls are from the user's browser so come from the user's IP.
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- 2012-12-27
- s_ha_dum
具体的には、n00bsのセキュリティ上の問題ではない理由を説明できますか?そうでなければ、まともな答え.Can you explain why, specifically, it is not a security problem for us n00bs? Otherwise, decent answer.
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- 2015-04-28
- daaxix
- 2017-06-15
は非常によく似た方法で機能し、役立つ説明はこちらです.. For unauthenticated and untrusted users, you'll want to make two specific exceptions to your VPN / Firewall / Apache
, which
These are two auto-magic endpoints used by a lot by both internal WP and also various plugins.
Here's some explanation of what
works in a very similar way, and a helpful explanation is here. -
- 2012-12-27
)、wp-admin <で
パスワード保護/wp-admin/ If you want to limit access to the WP backend (ex:
), just use a.htaccess
rule on thewp-admin
directory.Check out this article for a general overview: Password Protect a Directory Using .htaccess
Also check out this topic for your specific case: Password protecting /wp-admin/
または、IPで実行したい場合: if you'd rather do it by IP :
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- 2012-12-27
- skim-
- 2014-01-17
40人の正規スタッフと4人の開発者が時々vpnを使おうとしていますが、それは途方に暮れます.それに加えて、すべてのユーザーがwp用とvpn用の2セットのパスワードを必要とします. 1つは、他にどのようにセキュリティ監査を行うかということです. 2つは言うまでもなく、1つの安全なパスワードを覚えるのは十分に困難です.
My personal opinion is that this is a god awful idea. About two months ago our director of development insisted we do just this, much against the advice of the Dev team. It's a genuine nightmare and an incredible pain for us, not only does it kill ajax all together it presents so many administration issues for us.
We have 40 regular staff and 4 devs trying to use the vpn at times and it just stutters, along with that all users now require two sets of passwords one for wp and one for vpn and that's not just a shared password it's individual ones, I mean how else would you do a security audit. It's hard enough to remember one secure password, let alone two.
Add to the issue that a lot of people do not know how to use a vpn and often that just causes more issues.
Ultimately it's a terrible idea and it's often put forward by management or higher who do not know or understand WordPress. They see it in a terrible light, that because it's open source it must also be a security issue, filled with easily tapped exploits and so on.... its getting old.
WordPress is secure and sticking wp-admin behind a vpn is not only fear mongering it presents a nightmare for every member of the team
Why is it that management types have no trust when it comes to WordPress, they seem to forget major sites use WordPress and don't use vpns, look at mashable for example.
So to recap:
Ajax won't work behind a vpn.
Vpn is a terrible idea for reasons mentioned above
WordPress is secure and will remain so if you keep it and plugins up to date.
Listen to your Dev, you pay them for their expertise. I can promise you, that nothing undermines a working relationship like not putting your trust into an individual and having to check up on their knowledge.
If you do go with vpn, be sure to buy enough user licenses.
私はまだあなたに反対票を投じるのに十分なポイントを持っていませんが、私がそうしたらそうします.あなたは開発者を信頼することについて怒鳴りますが、1)*それが何をするのか*または2)*なぜwp-adminで大丈夫なのか*どこにも言いません.*私はこの答えに感心していません.I don't have enough points to downvote you yet, but I would if I did. You go on a rant about trusting your developers, but nowhere do you say 1) *what it does,* or 2) *why it is ok in wp-admin.* I'm not impressed with this answer.
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- 2015-04-28
- daaxix
脆弱なプラグインは、プラグインの開発方法に応じて、admin-ajax.phpで悪用される可能性があります.多くのプラグインは、脆弱性テストのために静的または動的なコード分析を受けません.WordPressコアも常に脆弱性を修正しています.wp-adminの制限、すべてを最新の状態に保つ、インストールするプラグインの制限などの強化を含むWordPressのセキュリティガイドラインに従うと、公開がさらに制限されます.ただし、100%安全というわけではありません.Vulnerable plugins can be exploited with admin-ajax.php depending on how the plugin is developed. Many plugins do not undergo static or dynamic code analysis for vulnerability testing. WordPress core is also constantly fixing vulnerabilities. If you follow WordPress security guidelines, which include hardening like restricting wp-admin, keeping everything up-to-date, and limiting the plugins you install, your exposure is more limited. You are not, however, 100% secure.
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- 2019-08-26
- tacotuesday
さて、WPにはセキュリティに関して恐ろしい道があります.主に悪いプラグインが原因ですが、コアにもあります.また、その人気により、WWWをスキャンして、できるだけ多くのwpサイトをハッキングするボットがたくさんあります.セキュリティでより良い仕事をする他のオープンソースプロジェクトがあります.私はワードプレスが好きで、セットアップが簡単で、ブログや小さなサイトにはまったく問題ないと思います.しかし、クレジットカードのような賢明なデータを保存するオンラインショップのようなものにそれを使用することは本当に悪い考えです./wp-adminへのアクセスを単にブロックすることは良い考えではないかもしれませんが、セキュリティについては間違いなく心配する必要があります.Well WP has a horrible track concerning security. Mostly due to bad plugins, but also in the core. And due to its popularity, there are lots of bots that just scan the WWW and hack as many wp sites as they can. There are other open source projects that do a way better job at security. I like wordpress, it's easy to setup and I think its perfectly fine for blogs and small sites. But using it for stuff like online shops that store sensible data like credit cards is really a bad idea. Simply blocking access to /wp-admin might not be a good idea, but you should definitely worry about security.
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- 2020-03-26
- Gellweiler
サイトへのアクセスを内部アクセスのみに制限したい( VPN ).単に、外部ユーザーによる攻撃を受けないようにするためです.サイトから管理者を列挙することができ、フィッシングされたくない場合があります.私たちの開発者は、ページが機能するようにサイトが管理ページに外部からアクセスできるようにする必要があるため、それはできないと言っています.具体的には、