4 回答
- 投票
- 2010-08-13
- 「親」テーマを使用してピアにテーマディレクトリを作成します.
- 新しいディレクトリに
宣言と@import url(../%parent-theme%/style.css)
は、親テーマからCSSをインポートします. - WordPress管理コンソールで新しいテーマをアクティブにします
- 新しいファイルを追加したり、親テーマディレクトリから子テーマディレクトリにファイルをコピーしたりして、好みに合わせて変更します.
- それだけです!
もっと詳しくお話しすることはできますが、基本的にこの男は 子テーマの作成方法を非常にうまく説明しています. あなたにそれを指摘するだけで私にとってはとても良いです.
While you can't modify it without changing it, you can isolate the parts you change by creating a Child Theme. In summary:
- Create a theme directory on peer with your "parent" theme,
- Create a
file in your new directory that has aTemplate:
declaration in the comments naming your parent theme and an@import url(../%parent-theme%/style.css)
to import the CSS from the parent theme, - Activate your new theme in the WordPress admin console,
- Add new files and/or copy files from your parent theme directory to your child theme directory and modify them to your preference, and
- That's it!
I could give you lots more details but basically this guy does a really good job of explaining How to Create a Child Theme so better for me just to point you to it.
When you want to upgrade the parent theme just upgrade; it will leave your child theme in-tact. Of course your child theme may not work perfectly if they've changed the parent too much and/or if you copied and modified theme files they updated in the new version you won't get the new functionality without modifying them too, but it's a lot better from starting over each time!
Hope that helps.
子供のテーマは私見に行く方法ですChild themes are the way to go IMHO
- 2
- 2010-09-01
- Ryan Gibbons
- 2010-08-21
body{background:white;width: 960px;margin: 25px auto;}
If all you want to change is a little css, you can create a custom css file inside the theme directory. Include your custom css file in the theme's header, and write new declarations in the custom css file only, thereby overwriting the theme's default css declarations.
Default stylesheet
body{background:white;width: 960px;margin: 25px auto;}
Custom stylesheet
Your browser will make separate http calls for the two stylesheets and apply styles in the order they are listed. Whatever declarations are made last will overwrite declarations made before them. So make sure to include your custom stylesheet after any other stylesheets are included in header.php.
If you are going to end up changing template files like archive.php, or page.php, MikeSchinkel's answer will let you update your theme if a new version is released, without loosing your modifications. But if all you want is to change some css, This method will work well. Just make sure that you save your custom stylesheet before updating the theme directory.
変更するテーマがテーマでない場合、これは問題になる可能性があるため、テーマの更新時に変更が上書きされる可能性があります.This might be problematic if the theme you modify is not your theme, so your changes might get overwritten on theme updates.
- 1
- 2010-09-06
- hakre
- 2017-02-17
私が個人的に行っているのは、MyThemeShopのプレミアムWordPressテーマを使用していることです.その中で、style.cssとテーマオプションファイルはそのままにしておきます.ファイルのデータを別のファイルにコピーして、少し異なる名前を付けます.たとえば、SociallyViral Themeを使用して子テーマを作成している場合、そのstyle.cssファイルからデータをコピーして、childstyle.cssという名前の別のファイルに保存します.
You can definitely create a child theme. A child theme keeps your main theme in its original format.
What I personally do is, I am using a premium WordPress theme from MyThemeShop. In that, I keep my style.css and theme options file as it is. I just copy the file's data to another file and name it a little different. For example, if I am using SociallyViral Theme, for creating its child theme, I will copy the data from its style.css file and save it to another file naming it childstyle.css.
After this, I will now design specific functions and can redesign my theme by adding more functionalities in the childstyle.css file.
This keeps my original style.css file as it is and enables me to update it in the original format.
「style.cssファイルからデータをコピーします」の意味はわかりませんが、通常は、親とは*異なる*子テーマに追加するだけで十分です.子テーマのスタイルは追加します.親のスタイルに、および/またはオーバーライドします.ちなみに、あなたの答えは、** 6年以上前にすでに受け入れられた**答えにどのように何かを追加しますか?!I'm not sure what you mean with "I will copy the data from its style.css file" but usually it is enough to only add those styles to the child theme that are *different* from the parent – the child theme's styles add to and/or override the parent's styles. By the way: how does your answer add anything to the answer that was already **accepted 6+years ago**?!
- 0
- 2017-02-17
- tillinberlin
- 2010-09-01
ステップバイステップガイドがあります3.xはテーマ20を配信しました.これは、シンプルですが便利な子テーマ(30という名前)です.その結果、20のテーマが2列のテーマから3列のテーマに拡張されます.また、いくつかの新しいヘッダー画像があります. If your interested in a good 'Lab Exercise' for trying out the steps described above. There is nice step by step guide for creating a child theme off the default WordPress 3.x delivered theme twentyten. It is a simple but useful child theme (named thirtyten). The result extends twentyten theme from a two column theme to a three column theme. It also has some new header pictures.