[ほぼ同じ質問とそれを機能させる](を `set_query_var`と`get_query_var`で持っていた、ただし、これは、 `WP_Query`に渡される` $ args`配列の値を使用するためのものでした.これを学び始めている他の人々に役立つかもしれません.Had [about the same question and got it to work]( with `set_query_var` and `get_query_var`, however this was for using the values of an `$args` array that is passed to a `WP_Query`. Might be helpful for other people starting to learn this.
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- 2017-06-14
- lowtechsun
@Florianはを参照し、必要に応じて回答としてマークしてください-これは現在、ファーストクラスでサポートされているものです@Florian please see and mark as an answer if appropriate - it's now a first-class supported thing
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- 2020-08-18
- Selrond
13 回答
- 投票
- 2015-02-02
は、現在ログインしているユーザーのグローバル変数を入力します.このタスクには役立ちません)、ユーザーごとにメタデータを表示してみてください:<?php get_header(); // etc. // In the main template file $users = new \WP_User_Query( [ ... ] ); foreach ( $users as $user ) { set_query_var( 'user_id', absint( $user->ID ) ); get_template_part( 'template-parts/user', 'contact_methods' ); }
ファイルで、ユーザーIDにアクセスする必要があります:<?php /** @var int $user_id */ $some_meta = get_the_author_meta( 'some_meta', $user_id ); var_dump( $some_meta );
関数は変数を「抽出」します(global $wp_query->query_vars
プロパティ)そして、すべての部分を、キーとまったく同じ名前を持つ独自の変数に入れます.言い換えれば:set_query_var( 'foo', 'bar' ); $GLOBALS['wp_query'] (object) -> query_vars (array) foo => bar (string 3) extract( $wp_query->query_vars ); var_dump( $foo ); // Result: (string 3) 'bar'
As posts get their data set up via
(respectively viasetup_postdata()
) and are therefore accessible through the API (get_the_ID()
for e.g.), let's assume that we are looping through a set of users (assetup_userdata()
fills the global variables of the currently logged in user and isn't useful for this task) and try to display meta data per user:<?php get_header(); // etc. // In the main template file $users = new \WP_User_Query( [ ... ] ); foreach ( $users as $user ) { set_query_var( 'user_id', absint( $user->ID ) ); get_template_part( 'template-parts/user', 'contact_methods' ); }
Then, in our
file, we need to access the users ID:<?php /** @var int $user_id */ $some_meta = get_the_author_meta( 'some_meta', $user_id ); var_dump( $some_meta );
That's it.
The explanation is actually exactly above the part you quoted in your question:
, which is called indirectly byget_template_part()
extracts all of theWP_Query
query variables, into the scope of the loaded template.The native PHP
function "extracts" the variables (theglobal $wp_query->query_vars
property) and puts every part into its own variable which has exactly the same name as the key. In other words:set_query_var( 'foo', 'bar' ); $GLOBALS['wp_query'] (object) -> query_vars (array) foo => bar (string 3) extract( $wp_query->query_vars ); var_dump( $foo ); // Result: (string 3) 'bar'
まだうまく機能していますstill working great
- 1
- 2019-06-11
- middlelady
- 2015-02-04
hm_get_template_part関数>人造はこれが非常に得意で、私はいつもそれを使用しています. 電話
hm_get_template_part( 'template_path', [ 'option' => 'value' ] );
'return' => true
./** * Like get_template_part() put lets you pass args to the template file * Args are available in the tempalte as $template_args array * @param string filepart * @param mixed wp_args style argument list */ function hm_get_template_part( $file, $template_args = array(), $cache_args = array() ) { $template_args = wp_parse_args( $template_args ); $cache_args = wp_parse_args( $cache_args ); if ( $cache_args ) { foreach ( $template_args as $key => $value ) { if ( is_scalar( $value ) || is_array( $value ) ) { $cache_args[$key] = $value; } else if ( is_object( $value ) && method_exists( $value, 'get_id' ) ) { $cache_args[$key] = call_user_method( 'get_id', $value ); } } if ( ( $cache = wp_cache_get( $file, serialize( $cache_args ) ) ) !== false ) { if ( ! empty( $template_args['return'] ) ) return $cache; echo $cache; return; } } $file_handle = $file; do_action( 'start_operation', 'hm_template_part::' . $file_handle ); if ( file_exists( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . $file . '.php' ) ) $file = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . $file . '.php'; elseif ( file_exists( get_template_directory() . '/' . $file . '.php' ) ) $file = get_template_directory() . '/' . $file . '.php'; ob_start(); $return = require( $file ); $data = ob_get_clean(); do_action( 'end_operation', 'hm_template_part::' . $file_handle ); if ( $cache_args ) { wp_cache_set( $file, $data, serialize( $cache_args ), 3600 ); } if ( ! empty( $template_args['return'] ) ) if ( $return === false ) return false; else return $data; echo $data; }
function by humanmade is extremely good at this and I use it all the time.You call
hm_get_template_part( 'template_path', [ 'option' => 'value' ] );
and then inside your template, you use
to return the value. It does caching and everything, though you can take that out if you like.
You can even return the rendered template as a string by passing
'return' => true
into the key/value array./** * Like get_template_part() put lets you pass args to the template file * Args are available in the tempalte as $template_args array * @param string filepart * @param mixed wp_args style argument list */ function hm_get_template_part( $file, $template_args = array(), $cache_args = array() ) { $template_args = wp_parse_args( $template_args ); $cache_args = wp_parse_args( $cache_args ); if ( $cache_args ) { foreach ( $template_args as $key => $value ) { if ( is_scalar( $value ) || is_array( $value ) ) { $cache_args[$key] = $value; } else if ( is_object( $value ) && method_exists( $value, 'get_id' ) ) { $cache_args[$key] = call_user_method( 'get_id', $value ); } } if ( ( $cache = wp_cache_get( $file, serialize( $cache_args ) ) ) !== false ) { if ( ! empty( $template_args['return'] ) ) return $cache; echo $cache; return; } } $file_handle = $file; do_action( 'start_operation', 'hm_template_part::' . $file_handle ); if ( file_exists( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . $file . '.php' ) ) $file = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . $file . '.php'; elseif ( file_exists( get_template_directory() . '/' . $file . '.php' ) ) $file = get_template_directory() . '/' . $file . '.php'; ob_start(); $return = require( $file ); $data = ob_get_clean(); do_action( 'end_operation', 'hm_template_part::' . $file_handle ); if ( $cache_args ) { wp_cache_set( $file, $data, serialize( $cache_args ), 3600 ); } if ( ! empty( $template_args['return'] ) ) if ( $return === false ) return false; else return $data; echo $data; }
1つのパラメーターをテンプレートに渡すためにプロジェクトに1300行のコード(github HMから)を含めますか?私のプロジェクトではこれを行うことはできません:(Include 1300 lines of code(from github HM) to the project to pass one parameter to a template? Can not do this in my project :(
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- 2019-09-04
- Gediminas
彼が上に貼り付けたコードをfunctions.phpに含めることができます...You can just include the code he pasted above to your functions.php...
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- 2019-11-15
- DokiCRO
- 2016-06-04
I was looking around and have found a variety of answers. Its seems at a native level, Wordpress does allow for variables to be accessed in Template parts. I did find that using the include coupled with locate_template did allow for variables scope to be accessible in the file.
`include`を使用しても[themecheck](に合格しません.Using `include` won't pass [themecheck](
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- 2017-06-14
- lowtechsun
WPテーマのW3Cチェッカーのようなものが本当に必要ですか?Do we really need something that is like the W3C checker for WP Themes?
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- 2019-08-15
- Fredy31
- 2017-08-05
// you can use any value including objects. set_query_var( 'var_name_to_be_used_later', 'Value to be retrieved later' ); //Basically set_query_var uses PHP extract() function to do the magic. then later in the template. var_dump($var_name_to_be_used_later); //will print "Value to be retrieved later"
PHP Extract()関数について読むことをお勧めします.
// you can use any value including objects. set_query_var( 'var_name_to_be_used_later', 'Value to be retrieved later' ); //Basically set_query_var uses PHP extract() function to do the magic. then later in the template. var_dump($var_name_to_be_used_later); //will print "Value to be retrieved later"
I recommend to read about PHP Extract() function.
- 2016-09-11
$variables = [ 'name' => 'John', 'class' => 'featuredAuthor', ]; jpr_get_template_part_with_vars('author', 'info', $variables); // In author-info.php: echo " <div class='$class'> <span>$name</span> </div> "; // Would output: <div class='featuredAuthor'> <span>John</span> </div>
I ran into this same issue on a project I'm currently working on. I decided to create my own small plugin that allows you to more explicitly pass variables to get_template_part by using a new function.
In case you might find it useful, here's the page for it on GitHub:
And here's an example of how it would work:
$variables = [ 'name' => 'John', 'class' => 'featuredAuthor', ]; jpr_get_template_part_with_vars('author', 'info', $variables); // In author-info.php: echo " <div class='$class'> <span>$name</span> </div> "; // Would output: <div class='featuredAuthor'> <span>John</span> </div>
- 2020-08-03
5.5 以降、を介してデータをテンプレートに渡すことができるようになります.さまざまなコアテンプレート読み込み関数.
の追加パラメーターをサポートします.これにより、テーマの作成者は、読み込まれたテンプレートにデータの連想配列を渡すことができます.この新しいパラメータをサポートする関数は次のとおりです.get_header() get_footer() get_sidebar() get_template_part() locate_template() load_template()
Starting in 5.5, it will be possible to pass data to templates via the various core template-loading functions.
All of the WordPress template-loading functions will support an additional parameter of
, which allows theme authors to pass along an associative array of data to the loaded template. The functions that support this new parameter are:get_header() get_footer() get_sidebar() get_template_part() locate_template() load_template()
Any hooks associated with the functions also pass along the data.
For more information:
残念ながら、 `$ args`パラメーターは`extract() `を介して実行されないため、テンプレートで`echo $ args ['foo'] `を実行する必要があります.引数も抽出するオプションがあればいいのにと思います.Unfortunately the `$args` parameter isn't run through `extract()` so you'll need to do `echo $args['foo']` in the template. I wish there was an option to extract the args too.
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- 2020-08-17
- powerbuoy
- 2016-08-20
ポッドプラグインとその pods_view 関数.これは、djbの回答に記載されている hm_get_template_part
をどのように使用しているかの大まかなアイデアです./** * Helper function to find a template */ function findTemplate($filename) { // Look first in the theme folder $template = locate_template($filename); if (!$template) { // Otherwise, use the file in our plugin's /templates folder $template = dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/' . $filename; } return $template; } // Output the template 'template-name.php' from either the theme // folder *or* our plugin's '/template' folder, passing two local // variables to be available in the template file pods_view( findTemplate('template-name.php'), array( 'passed_variable' => $variable_to_pass, 'another_variable' => $another_variable, ) );
もキャッシュをサポートしていますが、私は自分の目的のためにそれを必要としませんでした.関数の引数の詳細については、ポッドのドキュメントページをご覧ください. pods_view およびポッドを使用した部分ページキャッシュとスマートテンプレートパーツ. I like the Pods plugin and their pods_view function. It works similar to the
function mentioned in djb's answer. I use an additional function (findTemplate
in the code below) to search for a template file in the current theme first, and if not found it returns the template with the same name in my plugin's/templates
folder. This is a rough idea of how I'm usingpods_view
in my plugin:/** * Helper function to find a template */ function findTemplate($filename) { // Look first in the theme folder $template = locate_template($filename); if (!$template) { // Otherwise, use the file in our plugin's /templates folder $template = dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/' . $filename; } return $template; } // Output the template 'template-name.php' from either the theme // folder *or* our plugin's '/template' folder, passing two local // variables to be available in the template file pods_view( findTemplate('template-name.php'), array( 'passed_variable' => $variable_to_pass, 'another_variable' => $another_variable, ) );
also supports caching, but I didn't need that for my purposes. More information about the function arguments can be found in the Pods documentation pages. See the pages for pods_view and Partial Page Caching and Smart Template Parts with Pods. -
- 2018-12-18
は必要ありません./** * Like get_template_part() but lets you pass args to the template file * Args are available in the template as $args array. * Args can be passed in as url parameters, e.g 'key1=value1&key2=value2'. * Args can be passed in as an array, e.g. ['key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2'] * Filepath is available in the template as $file string. * @param string $slug The slug name for the generic template. * @param string|null $name The name of the specialized template. * @param array $args The arguments passed to the template */ function _get_template_part( $slug, $name = null, $args = array() ) { if ( isset( $name ) && $name !== 'none' ) $slug = "{$slug}-{$name}.php"; else $slug = "{$slug}.php"; $dir = get_template_directory(); $file = "{$dir}/{$slug}"; ob_start(); $args = wp_parse_args( $args ); $slug = $dir = $name = null; require( $file ); echo ob_get_clean(); }
:<? php _get_template_part( 'components/items/apple', null, ['color' => 'red']); ?>
内:<p>The apple color is: <?php echo $args['color']; ?></p>
Based on the answer from @djb using code from humanmade.
This is a lightweight version of get_template_part that can accept args. This way variables are scoped locally to that template. No need to have
./** * Like get_template_part() but lets you pass args to the template file * Args are available in the template as $args array. * Args can be passed in as url parameters, e.g 'key1=value1&key2=value2'. * Args can be passed in as an array, e.g. ['key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2'] * Filepath is available in the template as $file string. * @param string $slug The slug name for the generic template. * @param string|null $name The name of the specialized template. * @param array $args The arguments passed to the template */ function _get_template_part( $slug, $name = null, $args = array() ) { if ( isset( $name ) && $name !== 'none' ) $slug = "{$slug}-{$name}.php"; else $slug = "{$slug}.php"; $dir = get_template_directory(); $file = "{$dir}/{$slug}"; ob_start(); $args = wp_parse_args( $args ); $slug = $dir = $name = null; require( $file ); echo ob_get_clean(); }
For example in
:<? php _get_template_part( 'components/items/apple', null, ['color' => 'red']); ?>
:<p>The apple color is: <?php echo $args['color']; ?></p>
- 2020-08-18
パラメータが、 WordPress 5.5「Eckstine」:テンプレートファイルへのデータの受け渡し
テンプレート読み込み関数(get_header()、get_template_part()など)には、新しい$ args引数があります.これで、アレイ全体に相当するデータをこれらのテンプレートに渡すことができます.
parameter for template loading functions has just landed in WordPress 5.5 “Eckstine”:Passing data to template files
The template loading functions (get_header(), get_template_part(), etc.) have a new $args argument. So now you can pass an entire array’s worth of data to those templates.
- 2018-06-22
render( 'template-parts/header/header', 'desktop', array( 'user_id' => 555, 'struct' => array( 'test' => array( 1,2 ) ) ) ); function render ( $slug, $name, $arguments ) { if ( $arguments ) { foreach ( $arguments as $key => $value ) { ${$key} = $value; } } $name = (string) $name; if ( '' !== $name ) { $templates = "{$slug}-{$name}.php"; } else { $templates = "{$slug}.php"; } $path = get_template_directory() . '/' . $templates; if ( file_exists( $path ) ) { ob_start(); require( $path); ob_get_clean(); } }
を使用すると、変数を現在の関数スコープに追加できます. 私にとっては、すばやく簡単に機能し、リークしたり、グローバルスコープに保存されたりすることはありません.How about this?
render( 'template-parts/header/header', 'desktop', array( 'user_id' => 555, 'struct' => array( 'test' => array( 1,2 ) ) ) ); function render ( $slug, $name, $arguments ) { if ( $arguments ) { foreach ( $arguments as $key => $value ) { ${$key} = $value; } } $name = (string) $name; if ( '' !== $name ) { $templates = "{$slug}-{$name}.php"; } else { $templates = "{$slug}.php"; } $path = get_template_directory() . '/' . $templates; if ( file_exists( $path ) ) { ob_start(); require( $path); ob_get_clean(); } }
By using
you can add the variables into the current function scope. Works for me, quick and easy and its not leaking or stored into the global scope. -
- 2019-09-04
include(locate_template( 'YourTemplate.php'、false、false));
For ones who looks very easy way to pass variables, you can change function to include:
include( locate_template( 'YourTemplate.php', false, false ) );
And then you will be able to use all variables which are defined before you are including template without PASSING additionally each one for the template.
Credits goes to:
- 2020-09-02
selrond として、 Wordpress 5.5 回答されています> get_template_part()( changelogを参照)が 3番目のパラメーター
array $ args=array()を受け入れるようになりましたcode>.テンプレートファイルで
$ args
$bar='bar'; //helper-my-template.phpを取得します get_template_part( 'template-parts/helper'、 'my-template'、 アレイ( 'foo'=&gt; $bar、//WP5.5以降この配列を渡すことが可能 ) );
例: helper-my-template.php これで、次のように変数にアクセスできます:
&lt;?php /** * @var array $ args */ $foo=$ args ['foo']; ?&gt; &lt; h1&gt;&lt;?phpecho $foo;?&gt;&lt;/h1&gt; &lt;?php//'bar'を出力しますか?&gt;
As selrond correctly answered as of Wordpress 5.5 get_template_part() (see changelog) now accepts a third parameter
array $args = array()
, which will be available in your template file as$args
.See this example:
$bar = 'bar'; // get helper-my-template.php get_template_part( 'template-parts/helper', 'my-template', array( 'foo' => $bar, // passing this array possible since WP 5.5 ) );
In your template file
e.g. helper-my-template.php you can now access your variable like this:
<?php /** * @var array $args */ $foo = $args['foo']; ?> <h1><?php echo $foo; ?></h1> <?php // will print 'bar' ?>
- 2018-01-16
This is exact solution and it worked well.
echo $my_var