3 回答
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- 2010-08-31
# Forcing www. infront of domain RewriteEngine On Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(domain\.com)$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%1/$1 [R=301,L]
As far as i know there is no way to force the url to uppercase.
As for forcing the www. this can vary as to where you are hosting etc.
Here is one generic way of doing this using your .htaccess file.
# Forcing www. infront of domain RewriteEngine On Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(domain\.com)$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%1/$1 [R=301,L]
これを行うために.htaccessを使用する必要はありません.WordPressはそれをネイティブに行います.一般設定ページを更新して、サイトのURLにwwwを含めるだけです.You don't even need to use .htaccess to do this. WordPress does it natively. Just update the general settings page to include the www in the site's url.
- 3
- 2010-08-31
- John P Bloch
* @ Matt Ellioot *:* @ John P Bloch *は正しいです.これのために `.htaccess`を変更することは大規模なやり過ぎであり、誤って失敗する可能性があります.代わりに `WP_HOME`と` WP_SITEURL`を定義する方がはるかに良いです.*@Matt Ellioot*: *@John P Bloch* is right, modifying `.htaccess` for this is massive overkill and has the potential to be screwed up accidentally down the road. Much better to define `WP_HOME` and `WP_SITEURL` instead.
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- 2010-08-31
- MikeSchinkel
彼がApacheを実行しているとは限りませんが、.htaccessを使用する方が、WordPress内で実行するよりもはるかに効率的です.While you can't assume he is running Apache, using .htaccess is much more efficient than doing it within wordpress.
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- 2010-10-24
- Ryan Gibbons
- 2010-08-31
こんにちは @FigBug :
1.) WordPressがすべてを処理するため、ドメインで「www」を簡単に強制できます.Webサイトのルートにある
ファイルのrequire_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php');
行の前のどこかに追加します:define('WP_HOME',"http://www.myurl.com"); define('WP_SITEURL',WP_HOME);
(あきらめて、起こっていない! :-)
Hi @FigBug:
1.) You can easily force "www" in your domain because WordPress handles it all for you. You'll only need to set two defines in the
file is found in your website's root; this is the same file where your database userid and password is stored.Add these two lines to your
file somewhere before therequire_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php');
line:define('WP_HOME',"http://www.myurl.com"); define('WP_SITEURL',WP_HOME);
2.) You cannot force domain capitalization. Domains are case-insensitive. Even if you try WordPress will lowercase it.
(So give it up, it ain't happening! :-)
こんにちはマイク、フォルダが別のディレクトリにある場合はどうですか?これはそれを台無しにするだろうか.乾杯、ノエルHi Mike, what about in cases where the folder is in a different directory? Would this botch it up. Cheers, Noel
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- 2011-06-10
- Noel Tock
- 2010-08-31
- WordPressのコントロールパネルの設定を使用します.
- Apache .htaccessURL書き換え機能を使用します.
- Apache構成のApacheRedirectパーマネントディレクティブを使用します. (すべてのWebサーバーに同様のメカニズムが必要です.)
- 検索エンジンの混乱を減らします(誰もがwww.myurl.com、web.myurl.com、の代わりにmyurl.comを使用します).
- SSLで保護されたサイトのすべてのユーザーが、SSL証明書に登録されているのと同じドメインを使用するようにします.これは、主にエラーメッセージや混乱を防ぐためです.
There are lots of ways to force a redirect from a given URL to a preferred variant of that URL. Which one you use will depend upon how much control you have over your environment. Some include:
- Use the WordPress control panel settings.
- Use the Apache .htaccess URL rewriting capabilities.
- Use the Apache Redirect permanent directive from the Apache configuration. (All webserver should have a similar mechanism.)
What you have to keep in mind is that domain names are NOT case-sensitive, and in this case the browser will control what gets displayed, not your server. More importantly, each redirection you force will (1) require additional work from your server, (2) increase the complexity of your configuration, and (3) delay your users from accessing your site. If your goal is to enhance your brand (MyUrl instead of myurl) you'd be better served by focusing on the design of your site.
There are two real reasons to implement site redirection to force a given domain:
- Reduce search engine confusion (everyone uses myurl.com instead of www.myurl.com or web.myurl.com or
- Ensure that all users of a SSL-protected site use the same domain that is registered in the SSL certificate, mostly to prevent error messages and confusion.