この質問は、「期待されるROIを計算する方法」としてより興味深いように思われます.いくつかの大まかな計算を行うと、7%は年間でほぼ正しいようです.3%は、サイクル33〜84でほぼ正しいようです.彼らはただ異なる期間を考慮していると思います.This question would seem more interesting as "how to calculate expected ROI". Doing some rough calculations, 7% seems about right for annual. 3% seems about right for cycles 33-84. I think they just consider different time periods.
- 1
- 2019-03-27
- Tom
2 回答
- 投票
- 2019-03-27
bakersperformanceindex.com の開発者であるAxelです.このツールがベーキングのレビューに役立つことを願っています.使用しているサービス. その背後にある基本的な考え方は次のとおりです.
- 同じ量のxtzをベーキングサービスに委任します.この場合は10xtzです
- まったく同じサイクルで委任します.この場合はサイクル34で委任します
- シンプルで生の方法でデータを収集して表示する
- サイクル34->n-2
- サイクルn-1
- サイクルn
- 報酬
- バランス
- 報酬:0.268
- ROI:2.681%
- バランス10.268
つまり、サイクル34と88、Hayek Labは委任された10XTZに対して0.268XTZの報酬を配布しました.これにより、54サイクルのこの期間のROIは2.68%になります.
- 1年のサイクル数:365/3=121.66
- 121.66/54=2.25(121.66サイクルで54サイクルベイクしました)
- ハイエクラボの年間収益:2.25 * 2.68%=6.03%
- 報酬0.0058
- ROI:0.056%(1サイクルのROIは0.056%です)
- バランス:10.274
これは、55サイクルのベーキング後のバランスです.サイクル89でのROIを使用した年間ROI:0.0058 * 121.66=6.77%
- 10xtz<受け入れられる最小委任額
- パン屋によって許可されていない匿名の委任
- ベイカーは詐欺であり、ノードが機能していません...
アイデアを共有するために、bakersperformanceindex @protonmail.comで私に連絡することができます.
I am Axel, the developer behind bakersperformanceindex.com and I hope this tool can help you in reviewing the baking services you're using.
The basic idea behind it was:
- delegate the same amount of xtz to baking services, in our case 10xtz
- delegate at the very same cycle, in our case at cycle 34
- collect and display data in a simple and raw manner
So I delegated 10xtz at cycle 34 to 60 bakers.
There are basically 3 major columns:
- cycle 34-->n-2
- cycle n-1
- cycle n
Each column has 3 sub-columns
- Rewards
- Balance
Rewards/ROI/Balance are headers for each column.
Let's take an example: Hayek Lab for the column cycle 34 --> cycle 88 (at this time 27th march 2019, cycle 90 in Tezos Time)
- Rewards: 0.268
- ROI: 2.681%
- Balance 10.268
So between cycle 34 & 88, Hayek Lab had distributed 0.268XTZ of rewards for 10XTZ delegated, which makes a ROI of 2.68% for this period of 54 cycles.
If we annualize with the following figures:
- Number of cycles in a year: 365/3 = 121.66
- 121.66/54 = 2.25 (we've baked for 54 cycles in a 121.66 cycles)
- Annualized return for Hayek Lab: 2.25*2.68%=6.03%
I think numbers are consistent
If we take the figures for cycle 89, we have:
- Rewards 0.0058
- ROI: 0.056% (we have a ROI of 0.056% for one cycle)
- Balance:10.274
This is the balance we have after baking during 55 cycles. The annualized ROI with the ROI at cycle 89: 0.0058*121.66= 6.77%
Figures are once again consistent.
If I do not annualize ROI is because, imagine the baker you choose, for one reason or another, does not distribute the rewards, your annualized ROI is not the same.
I just want to rely on proven figures, all the data displayed is the data we have right now and not plans on the future.
After one year or 121 cycles or at cycle 155, we will have one year data so the ROI will be quite exact.
Few more comments:
If some bakers display 0, is just we did not get any reward from them for various reasons:
- 10xtz < Minimun Delegated Amount accepted
- Anonymous delegation not authorized by baker
- baker is a scam, node not working...
I wish I could delegate 1000 xtz to all baking services at cycle 100. I am trying to convince bakers to get on board.
Many new features are coming, but their development takes time & resources.
You can get in touch with me at [email protected] for sharing ideas.
ありがとう!2つの提案.効果的なROI、推定年間ROI、およびいくつかの簡単なFAQ/ドキュメントを追加してみませんか?:)Thanks! Two suggestions. Why not add effective ROI, estimated annual ROI, and some simple FAQ/documentation? :)
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- 2019-03-27
- luchonacho
確かに年換算の数値を表示し、必要な名前を付ける必要がありますが、そうしないと、データを使用してパン屋Aとパン屋Bを比較できません.また、10 xtzの委任では、報酬がトランザクションによって大きく影響を受けるため、総額と純額を提供する必要があります.料金.You should certainly display annualized figures, call them what you want but otherwise the data cannot be use to compare between baker A and baker B. Also you need to provide gross and net figures because at 10 xtz of delegation the rewards are significantly impacted by transaction fees.
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- 2019-03-28
- Ezy
@Ezy数字はグロスのようです.しかし、それはmytezosbakerで提示されたものでもあると思います.@Ezy It seems the figures are gross. But I would imagine that's also the one presented in mytezosbaker.
- 0
- 2019-03-28
- luchonacho
- 2019-03-27
I believe the period for which the data was collected and presented on this page is not sufficiently long to be representative.
The page states that data on returns was measured between cycle 34 and 88, which is 54 cycles, roughly 160 days or 5.25 months.
In your example, the ROI of 7.1% as estimated by the baker is stated as annual returns, i.e. 12 months, and the ROI on the page thus represents only 44% of this timeframe. Therefore, it seems that after 12 months, the baker will likely reach the estimated ROI. Nothing suspicious here.
As for those bakers with a 0% ROI, I assume that they have not yet been included in this project and data is just missing, though I have not checked that.
ああ!年に一度だと思いました!面白い.はい、それで問題が説明されます.ドキュメントは存在しないため、明確にする必要があります.Oh! I thought they were annualised! Interesting. Yes, that then explains the issue. The documentation is non-existent and that should be made clear.
- 0
- 2019-03-27
- luchonacho
彼らがそれを悪い年にしないならIf they dont annualize thats bad
- 0
- 2019-03-27
- Ezy
Bakers Performance Index と呼ばれる、パン屋間のROIを比較する興味深い新しいサービスがあります.これを確認する他の方法とは異なります(たとえば、この投稿)では、評価のために10 XTZをパン屋のリストに委任し、受け取った実際の報酬を報告します.パン屋が一部のテゾス所有者に他の所有者よりも多く支払う必要がある理由はないため、これは効果的なROI の非常に正確なテストのようです.