「ルートアドレス」について詳しく教えてください.使用したコマンドを追加して、推奨されていないソースをポイントするのではないでしょうか.Can you go more in detail about "root address"? Maybe add the command you've used and point to the source, where it is not recommended?
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- 2019-03-26
- Blindripper
住所ではなく、編集したばかりのキー.https://github.com/obsidiansystems/ledger-app-tezosには、次の段落があります.ルートキーは、派生パスのない完全な識別子です(たとえば、major-squirrel-thick-hedgehog/ed25519自体).ルートキーを直接使用しないでください*.Key, not address, just edited. In https://github.com/obsidiansystems/ledger-app-tezos there is the following paragraph: Your root key is the full identifier without the derivation path (e.g. major-squirrel-thick-hedgehog/ed25519 by itself) but you should not use the root key directly*.
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- 2019-03-26
- Mariano G
チュートリアルで伝えたいことは次のとおりです.元帳をルートキーにiEで登録できます: `tezos-clientimport secret key ledger_jhartzell" ledger://major-squirrel-thick-hedgehog/ed25519`しかし、すべきではありません.tこのルートキーを他の操作に使用します.I think what the Tutorial wants to tell you is: You can register your Ledger with the root key with i.E.: `tezos-client import secret key ledger_jhartzell "ledger://major-squirrel-thick-hedgehog/ed25519` but you shouldn't use this root key for other operations.
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- 2019-03-27
- Blindripper
1 回答
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- 2019-03-28
Obsidian Systemsが述べているように、すべてのTezosBIP32パスは44 '/1729'で始まり、Ledgerでウォレットを生成し、何も変更しない場合、ウォレットはパス44 '/1729'/0 '/で生成されます. 0 '(これはTezosの標準パスであり、ルートではありません).
I believe the root key refers to the master key of a hierarchical deterministic (HD) hardware wallet, from which all the keys of the wallet for any supported cryptocurrency are derived (BIP-32).
The BIP32 specification was developed so that:
wallets [...] can be shared partially or entirely with different systems, each with or without the ability to spend coins (source).
As Obsidian Systems states, all Tezos BIP32 paths begin with 44'/1729', and when you generate a wallet with Ledger and do not change anything, the wallet will be generated on path 44'/1729'/0'/0' (which is the standard path for Tezos, not the root).
I think what they say is that they do not recommend to use the master key from which all your keys are derived, because if this key is ever compromised (although unlikely as you are using a hardware wallet), it would open up the door to your wealth. But if you do not change anything during wallet generation, the correct path is used anyway and you are fine.
元帳をtezos rootに登録しましたキー.これはお勧めできないことを確認しました.