ノードをVPSまたはローカルセットアップで実行していますか?Are you running your node on a VPS or a local setup?
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- 2019-03-23
- cryptodad
ssdを使用したローカルセットアップ、ハードウェアは問題ではありませんits a local set up using an ssd, hardware not an issue
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- 2019-03-23
- Kitty Mill
そのため、現在、別のユーザーから受け取った設定ファイルには、プライベートモードTrueがありました.falseに変更し、最小接続と最大接続を15/45から250/500に編集しました.それが何かを解決するかどうかを確認します.次の3日で焼く、更新されますSo currently in my config file that i received from another user i had private mode True. I changed it to false and edited min and max connections from 15/45 to 250/500. will seee if that solves anything. next bake in 3 days, will update
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- 2019-03-23
- Kitty Mill
この問題に対してgitlabの問題を作成しました:https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/issues/498I've created a gitlab issue for this problem: https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/issues/498
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- 2019-04-03
- adrian
1 回答
- 投票
- 2019-09-01
This is a known problem. As discussed on gitlab, it seems to be two problems disguised as one. The first problem is poor connectivity leading to the baker waiting and missing blocks. The second problem is that the baker may have a bug where even though there are endorsements in the node it thinks that there aren't any and waits.
Restarting the baking process doesn't appear to fix it. But restarting the node process does.
This issue can be tracked on gitlab at gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/issues/498
答えを広げていただけませんか?SEでは、回答へのリンクを投稿するだけでなく、インラインの説明も提供するのが習慣です.ありがとう!could you please expand your answer ? on SE it's custom to not just post a link to answer but also provide inline explanations. thanks!
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- 2019-09-01
- Ezy