WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux)Ubuntu 18.04LTSコンパイルTezosノード
エラーには「Curlfailed」と表示されます-WSLで「curl」コマンドを使用できますか?The error says `Curl failed` - do you have the `curl` command available on WSL?
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- 2019-03-21
- asbjornenge
こんにちは、ええ: `curlはすでに最新バージョン(7.58.0-2ubuntu3.2)です.`Hi, yeah: `curl is already the newest version (7.58.0-2ubuntu3.2).`
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- 2019-03-21
- Blindripper
`eval $(opamenv) opam update && opamupgrade`どちらも役に立ちませんでした.`eval $(opam env) opam update && opam upgrade` Didn't help either.
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- 2019-03-21
- Blindripper
2 回答
- 投票
- 2019-04-29
I seem to recall similar curl errors when building on older versions of ubuntu and debian. The solution there was to install a newer version of git. Look for references to "git" in
- 2019-04-29
コピー&ホスト(Windows 10)とゲストマシン(Linux)の間にtxtを貼り付けると、ファイルのドラッグとドラッグもサポートされます.落とす.これらの機能は両方とも、開発の命を救います.
I tried getting Tezos building and running on different WSL's but there was always different issues coming up - building Tezos was fine but running Tezos was tricky.
You can install VirtualBox (which is free) and then install a official Linux distribution.
It will be emulated so it is slower but it works perfectly.
You can copy & paste txt between host (Windows 10) and guest machine (Linux) and it even supports file drag & drop. Both of these features are life savers for development.
make build-deps