3 回答
- 投票
- 2019-03-16
暗黙のアドレスにトークンを送信して新しいアカウントを作成することは、「公開」操作ではありません.この操作では公開鍵を知る必要がないためです.ただし、チェーン上に暗黙のアカウントの作成をトリガーします.保管費用は支払う必要があり、取引手数料の一部ではありません. 送信者が指定した上限が適用されますが、取引を行うアカウントから直接差し引かれます.発生するストレージコストのデフォルト値は、実際には0.257XTZです.
The question as stated confuses different things.
A "reveal" operation is an operation that writes on the chain the public key associated with a public key hash for an implicit account. The fee associated with this operation is up for the sender to decide, though most bakers implement default minimum fees (in this case it is currently 1267µꜩ).
The creation of a new account by sending tokens to an implicit address is not a "reveal" operation as the public key needs not be known in this operation. However, it does trigger the creation of an implicit account on the chain. Storage cost has to be paid, and it is not a part of the transaction fee. It is deducted directly from the account making the transaction, though it is subject to a cap specified by the sender. The default value for the storage cost incurred is indeed 0.257 XTZ.
あなたがた両方に感謝します.私の意図は、実際、トークンを送信するときに新しいアカウントの作成のコストをカバーするための料金を指定することです.Thank you both. My intention is, indeed, specify a fee to cover the costs of a creation of a new account when sending tokens to it.
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- 2019-03-16
- Luiz Milfont
- 2019-03-16
Tez_repr.(cost_per_byte *?(Int64.of_int origination_size))
、およびproto_alpha/lib_protocol/qty_repr.ml で定義されています.コード>
The fee for adding a new account to the global state (
) is 0.257 XTZ.The origination burn is calculated as
Tez_repr.(cost_per_byte *? (Int64.of_int origination_size))
is 0.001 XTZ. It is 1000 mutez and1,000,000 mutez == 1 tez
is 257.Due to that the resulting cost for an origination of a completely new account is 257,000 mutez or 0.257 tez.
This is defined in
, andproto_alpha/lib_protocol/qty_repr.ml
それは正しくありません、オリジネーションバーンは取引手数料の一部ではありません.That's incorrect, the origination burn is not part of the transaction fee.
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- 2019-03-16
- Arthur B
はい.それで合っています.私は上記の回答を編集して、州に新しいアカウントを追加するために私が説明する料金があることを明確にしました.Yes, you are correct. I have edited the above answer to clarify that the fee that I describe there is for adding a new account to the state.
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- 2019-03-16
- adrian
用語を分けておくことをお勧めします.「料金」とは、パン屋に支払うことを意味します.「やけど」は破壊されたことを意味します.I suggest keeping the terminology separate: "Fee" means paid to the baker. "Burn" means destroyed.
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- 2019-03-16
- Tom
- 2019-06-04
In athens (proto004) the updated fees are available here