`CREATE_CONTRACT {storage'g;のように見えます.パラメータ 'p;code ...} `は機能しますが、これはコントラクトのサイズを少し膨らませます.SolidityのJavaスタイルクラスのインスタンス化のように、これを適切に処理する方法があるはずだと感じています.It appears like `CREATE_CONTRACT { storage 'g ; parameter 'p ; code ... }` would work, but this will bloat the size of a contract a bit, and it feels like there should be a way to handle this gracefully like in Solidity's Java style class instantiation.
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- 2019-03-11
- Rob
そうでなければ、Michelsonのきれいな例がいいでしょう.If not, a clean example in Michelson would be nice.
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- 2019-03-11
- Rob
かっこいい、おそらくその時の方法.ok cool, probably a ways out then.
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- 2019-03-12
- Rob
削除したコメントを入れて回答に変換しました.後で追加されたコメントを見逃しました.これについてお詫び申し上げます.I put a comment that I deleted to convert it into an answer. I missed your comment that was added afterwards. My apologies for this.
- 1
- 2019-03-12
2 回答
- 投票
- 2019-03-12
SmartPyの発表には、非常に簡潔な議論があります https://medium.com/@SmartPy_io/introducing-smartpy-and-smartpy-io-d4013bee7d4e#15ee .
この主題はここにも現れました: BigMapコンテナとは何ですか、なぜそれが重要なのですか?
There is a very succinct discussion in the announcement for SmartPy https://medium.com/@SmartPy_io/introducing-smartpy-and-smartpy-io-d4013bee7d4e#15ee.
The idea is to have a contract that holds a big_map and each element of the big_map represents a contract.
This is absolutely not restricted to SmartPy and it is directly doable in Michelson, Liquidity or Fi.
This subject also appeared here: What is the BigMap container and why does it matter?
ご回答いただきありがとうございます.これがネガティブになってほしくないのですが、DAPP開発を生産的にするために、近い将来、この問題に対するより包括的な解決策を考え出す必要があると感じています.I appreciate your response and don't want this to come across negative, but I feel we need to come up with a more comprehensive solution to this problem in the near term to make DAPP development productive.
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- 2019-03-12
- Rob
これが最終的な唯一の解決策ではないことは容易に理解できます.I can easily agree that this is not the final and only solution.
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- 2019-03-12
私が考えていたことの例を見るには、以下を参照してくださいreference below to see an example of what I was thinking
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- 2019-03-14
- Rob
- 2019-03-14
type plus_storage = { count: nat, plus_owner: address, }; contract PlusOne = { type storage = plus_storage; let%init storage = (y: nat) => { count: y, plus_owner: Current.sender(), }; let%entry main = (p: nat, storage) => { if (Current.sender() != storage.plus_owner) { failwith("invalid caller"); }; ([], storage); } }; type storage = { owner: key, pl: address, }; let%init storage = (contract_owner: key) => { owner: contract_owner, pl: KT1111111111111111111111111111111111, } let%entry other = (param: nat, storage) => { let t: option(PlusOne.instance) = Contract.at(storage.pl); let t = switch(t) { | None => Current.failwith() | Some(inst) => inst }; let op = Contract.call( ~dest=t, ~amount=0tz, ~entry=main, ~parameter=param); ([op], storage); }; let%entry main = ((), storage) => { let manager = Crypto.hash_key(storage.owner); let delegate = Some(manager); let spendable = false; let amount = Current.amount(); let init_value: nat = 0; let (c_op, c_addr) = Contract.create( ~manager, ~delegate, ~spendable, ~delegatable=false, ~amount, ~storage={count: init_value, plus_owner: Contract.address(Contract.self())}, (contract PlusOne), ); let storage = storage.pl = c_addr; ([c_op], storage); };
Here's an example of a contract handling this in liquidity. There's the unique challenge of writing functions that can only utilize remote procedure calls at the end of their execution:
type plus_storage = { count: nat, plus_owner: address, }; contract PlusOne = { type storage = plus_storage; let%init storage = (y: nat) => { count: y, plus_owner: Current.sender(), }; let%entry main = (p: nat, storage) => { if (Current.sender() != storage.plus_owner) { failwith("invalid caller"); }; ([], storage); } }; type storage = { owner: key, pl: address, }; let%init storage = (contract_owner: key) => { owner: contract_owner, pl: KT1111111111111111111111111111111111, } let%entry other = (param: nat, storage) => { let t: option(PlusOne.instance) = Contract.at(storage.pl); let t = switch(t) { | None => Current.failwith() | Some(inst) => inst }; let op = Contract.call( ~dest=t, ~amount=0tz, ~entry=main, ~parameter=param); ([op], storage); }; let%entry main = ((), storage) => { let manager = Crypto.hash_key(storage.owner); let delegate = Some(manager); let spendable = false; let amount = Current.amount(); let init_value: nat = 0; let (c_op, c_addr) = Contract.create( ~manager, ~delegate, ~spendable, ~delegatable=false, ~amount, ~storage={count: init_value, plus_owner: Contract.address(Contract.self())}, (contract PlusOne), ); let storage = storage.pl = c_addr; ([c_op], storage); };
It makes me wonder if this will lead to endpoints that are like "order" and "pickup", ie a restaurant.
( https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/から参照13415/deploy-contract-from-contract-in-solidity )