あなたの質問はあいまいです:タイトルはあなたがTezosエコシステム全体のロードマップを求めていることを示唆しています(それはありません)が、あなたの質問では特定の開発チーム(おそらくNomadicLabs)のロードマップに制限しているようです.答えはそれぞれ異なるので、あなたが何を求めているのかを明確にしてください.ありがとう!Your question is ambiguous: the title suggests that you are asking for a roadmap of the entire Tezos ecosystem (which there is not), but in your question you seem to restrict to a roadmap of a specific development team (presumably Nomadic Labs). Can you please clarify what it is exactly you are asking about because the answer will differ in each case. Thanks!
- 1
- 2019-01-30
- Ezy
テゾス一般、はい.またはすべての主要な開発チーム/単一のコード.物事がどこに向かっているのかを知るためだけに.Tezos in general, yes. Or all of the major development teams / single codes. Just to get an idea where things are heading.
- 0
- 2019-01-31
2 回答
- 投票
- 2019-01-30
Tezos will never have anything "official". That's simply not possible for Decentralized Blockchain Projects. The moment something is "official", means somebody is in charge of it. That's not the case at Tezos.
Every Project, Code-Development has a Roadmap for sure. But not Tezos.
公式のテゾスロードマップはありませんが、おそらくOmadic Labsにあるはずですが、OPが参照していたものだと思います.I kind of disagree, even though there is no official tezos roadmap, there *should* presumably be one at Nomadic Labs which i think is what the OP was referring to.
- 1
- 2019-01-30
- Ezy
また、コミュニティのために「誰が何をするか」という方法で、主題ごとにいくつかのロードマップを収集することもコミュニティの取り組みである可能性があります.It could also be a community effort to gather several roadmaps by subject in a 'who does what' fashion for the community.
- 1
- 2019-02-02
- 2019-01-30
YaY @ガバナンス
I don't think there is (or should be) an "offical" one. The individual development teams have roadmaps probably, but they would have to propose any changes as amendments and they would need to pass a vote to be implemented.
YaY @ governance