「価値」は相対的です.自分で焼く場合は、ノード、セキュリティ、アップデート、OSを気にする必要があり、エネルギーコストがかかります.しかし、すべてのパン屋がネットワークの分散化をサポートしているため、「価値がある」のです.また、委任サービスに料金を支払うことなく、「完全な報酬」を受け取ることができます.私はそれが「価値がある」と言うでしょう:-)"Worth" is relative. If you bake by yourself, you have to care about the node, security, updates, OS and you will have energy cost. But it is "worth" because every baker supports the decentralization of the network. You will also get "full rewards" without paying a fee to a delegation-service. I would say it is "worth" :-)
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- 2019-01-30
- Blindripper
価値がある-選ばれるチャンスのように.また、オッズを把握する方法はありますか?worth - as in chances of getting selected. Also is there a way to figure out the odds?
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- 2019-01-30
- chuks
平均して、あなたはおよそ2ヶ月ごとに焼き、1日1回承認するでしょう.On average you would be baking roughly every 2 months and endorsing once a day.
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- 2019-01-30
- Andreas Tissen
マークに値すると思われる場合は、「回答済み」の質問にマークを付けることを忘れないでください.Don’t forget to mark a question “answered” if you feel one deserves the mark!
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- 2019-01-31
- Ezy
2 回答
- 投票
- 2019-01-30
10k XTZでソロベイクするのが良い考えかどうかは、目標と何に貢献するかによって異なります.
Whether it is a good idea to solo-bake with 10k XTZ depends on your goals and what you are willing to contribute.
If it is simply an experiment and you would like to get the experience and fun out of running a baker then go ahead. If this baking operation is critical towards your livelyhood and you cannot tolerate down-time or potential safety faults I would reconsider it. If the latter is true, you should know that running a secure and highly available bakery is a lot of work. For example, ask yourself what happens when you are on a 3 week holiday and after the first 5 days your bakery crashes. Do you fly back to fix it, simply leave it, or did it just ruin your entire holiday. Or whether you are willing to get up at 03:00 in order to fix a hardware failure.
My point is mostly that there are considerations beyond whether you will receive blocks that you should think about.
テゾスのベーキングは「あなたの生活にとって重要」であってはならないことを付け加えたいと思います.I may want to add that Tezos baking should not be "critical towards your livelyhood".
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- 2019-01-30
- jdsika
- 2019-01-30
または古き良きテジゲーターベーキングシート: (これにより、計算に重要な変数が表示されます)
There is a calculator to compare delegation-service rewards:
And a pretty good site that shows the solo baking rewards:
Or the good old Tezzigator Baking Sheet: (This should show you, which variables are important for the calculation)