4 回答
- 投票
- 2019-02-24
Unless you have infinite funds, you cannot prevent from being over delegated, since you cannot prevent users from delegating to you.
So, you shouldn’t care too much about it, maybe only give rewards to the delegators that were the first to contribute to the 100%, and not reward the other ones. This way, it is a clear incentive for them to find another delegate.
さて、その部分は明らかですが、私が心配している理由は、私のドロップが委任されすぎた場合の効率のためです.その結果、私のROIが低下する可能性があり、その結果、過度の委任を引き起こさなかった人々でさえ、すべての人が影響を受ける可能性があります.Okay that part is clear but the reason why I am worried is because my efficiency my drop should I be over delegated. As result my ROI may drop, and as result everybody may be affected, even those people who did not cause over delegation
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- 2019-02-24
- indigo
重要なのは、余分なベーキングスロットを見逃した場合ではなく、すべきだったものを見逃すことではありません.つまり、ほとんどの場合、すべての残高をデポジットで凍結する必要があります.十分な預金がないためにブロックを逃した場合、それはあなたのせいではありません(ただし、状況について委任者に警告する必要があります).What matters is not if you miss extra baking slots, it is not to miss the ones that you should have done, i.e. you should almost always have all your balance frozen in deposits. If you miss a block because you have not enough deposits, it’s not your fault (but you should warn your delegators of the situation).
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- 2019-02-24
- lefessan
人々がパン屋に料金を支払う理由の1つは、そのような状況で希薄化されるのを避けるために、委任を監視することでもあります.人々はこのメトリックを毎日監視する必要がないように料金を支払うので、私はパン屋が「それについてあまり気にしない」ことは適切ではないと思います.過剰な委任(FIFO、比例など)の場合に誰が最初にヒットするかという実際のポリシーは、直交する考慮事項です.one of the reasons people pay bakers a fee is also to monitor over delegation in order to avoid being diluted in such a circumstance. People pay the fee in order not to have to monitor this metric day-in, day-out so i don't believe it is appropriate for a baker "not to care too mcuh about it". The actual policy of who takes the hit first in case of over delegation (FIFO, proportional etc..) is an orthogonal consideration
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- 2019-02-24
- Ezy
パン屋はどのように過度の委任を避けるべきですか?はい、広告サイトから自分のアドレスを削除することはできますが、それでも、追加の委任を拒否することはできません.彼らが持っている唯一の方法は彼らのバランスにお金を加えることです、しかしそのために、彼らはそのお金を必要とします.私にとって、料金はサーバーをオンラインに維持し、システムをセキュリティで保護する作業に対してのみです.How should a baker avoid over-delegation ? Yes, they can remove their address from advertising sites, but still, they cannot reject extra delegations. The only way they have is to add money to their balance, but for that, they need to that money. For me, the fee is only for the work of maintaining a server online and securizing the system.
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- 2019-02-24
- lefessan
過剰な委任を回避できないことは正しいですが、これはパン屋が*あまり気にしない*必要があるという意味ではありません.これが私があなたの答えを否定した理由です.また、この重要な質問に関するパン屋の実際の行動を反映していません.ほとんどのパン屋は、過剰な委任を大いに気にし、それに応じてコミュニケーションを取ります.Being unable to avoid over-delegation is correct however this does not mean that the baker should *not care too much about it* this is the reason i downvoted your answer. Also it does not reflect the actual behavior of baker around this important question: most bakers *do* care much about over-delegation and communicate accordingly around it.
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- 2019-02-24
- Ezy
- 2019-02-24
From a purely theoretical perspective, when you are a baker who is capable to reaching 100% target of its priority 0 baking rights, the optimal situation in terms of your capital is to have all of it blocked as security deposit because it means that all your capital is working. In such situation as soon as some bond is unlocked it would get relocked again by a new baking and at the same time you would never miss a single block/endorsement baking right. To be in this situation means that the baker is exactly 100% delegated at all times: there's just enough delegators pointing to you as your capital can absorb. It is the optimal situation for both the baker and the delegators.
In reality, bakers are rarely in this situation, in practice they are either "under"-delegated or "over"-delegated.
If you are under-delegated: it is suboptimal for the "baker" this means that you could have accepted more delegations and received more baking rights without impacting your success rate, your personal ROI is suboptimal. On the other hand this situation is fine for delegators because they still receive 100% of their expected rewards on average for their level of staking (minus the baker's fee of course), their personal gross ROI is optimal (assuming you don't make any operational mistake while baking of course).
If you are over-delegated: is is suboptimal for the delegators because your capital is not enough to cover for all the baking rights of the operation. There's less rewards coming in the bakers' account than the expected amount to pay all the delegators. In such situations the baker usually pays himself first (his personal ROI is optimal) so he received his expected value however the effective amount received by delegators will depend on the policy of the baker (pay those who came first in priority? Or distribute the loss equally to everyone?). So in this scenario the baker rewards are usually "covered" by the baker policy but not the delegator's rewards (the delegators gross ROI is suboptimal).
So all in all, given that delegators often enter into a delegation and do not monitor day to day situation of the baker's bond and pay a fee to that baker, they usually expect the baker to do this monitoring job and give them a heads-up if they believe they might get over-delegated in the near future in order to give appropriate time for delegators to find an alternative.
For example in the beginning of mainnet, as per the protocol the initial bond requirement was kept intentionally low (started from 0%) and gradually ratcheted up over the cycles. This means that many bakers have been to start their operation with quite small actual bond requirements which allowed them to ride the opportunity and accept much more delegations than their capital would allow once the bond requirement would achieve its long term level (512XTZ per block and 64XTZ per endorsement). This created a situation where a number of baker got not immediately over-delegated but forward-over-delegated.
- 2019-02-24
Bakers who are over-delegated will miss bakes/endorsements due to insufficient bonds. Depending on your baker's policy, everyone may be diluted rewards-wise, or the last delegators will simply receive no rewards.
The bond requirements do vary, so it's good if bakers have some reserves to cope with this. As staking increases (e.g. the % of staking out of the circulating supply increases), bond requirements will start to drop as bakers receive less baking rights for the same stake.
- 2019-02-25
デポジットで保護されていないトークンがパン屋に来ると、これらの特定のトークンは冗長になります.私は余分なブロックが落ちるのは彼らにあるという事実について話している.したがって、誰も何も失うことはありません. パン屋はまた彼が以前持っていたもの(ブロックの数)を食べます.そして、彼が再委任される前に、彼が焼くべきではなかった余分なブロック. だから誰が来てすべてを台無しにしたとしても、彼は報酬を受け取らないでしょう.そしてパン屋は以前と同じままでした.
when tokens that are not secured by a deposit come to the baker, these particular tokens are redundant. I'm talking about the fact that it is on them that extra blocks fall. thus no one loses anything. the baker also eats out what he has previously (the number of blocks). and the extra blocks he should not have baked., before he became redelegated. so who came and spoiled everything, he will not receive a reward. and the baker stayed the same as before.
It should not be very worried that there is not enough deposit.
申し訳ありませんが、あなたが何を言おうとしているのか理解するのは簡単ではありません.再定式化していただけませんか?ありがとう!I apologize but it is not easy to understand what you are trying to say. Could you please try to reformulate ? thanks!
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- 2019-02-25
- Ezy
代議員が来てあなたを再委任したとき、彼は不必要です.あなたは彼の新しいトークンのための十分なセキュリティを持っていません. しかし、以前あなたと一緒にいたすべての人にとって、彼らは以前と同じように十分です. これらの新しいトークン(新しいデリゲートのトークン)には、新しいブロックはベイクされません. したがって、それ(新しいデリゲート)はあなたのパン屋では余分なので、十分な預金がないことは問題ではありません. そして彼の前に来たすべての人にもあなたの保証金が提供されます.新しい代表者(あなたを再委任した人)が来る瞬間まで.when the delegate came and redelegated you, he is superfluous. You do not have enough security for his new tokens. but for everyone who was with you earlier, they have enough as before. no new blocks are baked on these new tokens (on the tokens of the new delegate). Therefore, it does not matter that there is not enough deposit, as it (the new delegate) is superfluous in your bakery. and all who came before him are also provided with your deposit. until the moment when the new delegate came (who redelegated you).
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- 2019-02-26
- SemElVik
新しい代表者-パン屋が再委任されました. 彼の前にいた人-彼らはあなたの預金を焼き続けます. 新しいデリゲート-ベイクしません.保証金はありません. 新しいデリゲートは新しいトークンを受け取りません. これは問題のある新しい代理人です.過去のすべての代表者には、その前にデポジットが提供されるためです.the new delegate - baker redelegated; who was before him - they continue to bake on your deposit; the new delegate - does not bake. You do not have a deposit; new delegate do not receive new tokens; this is a problem new delegate. since all past delegates are provided with your deposit before it.
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- 2019-02-26
- SemElVik
2つの理由で同意しません1)報酬のためにFIFOを想定していますが、すべてのパン屋がそれを好むわけではありません2)パン屋は今、多くの焼き菓子の権利を逃しているでしょうさらに悪い.disagree for 2 reasons 1) you assume FIFO for the rewards but not all bakers do like that 2) baker will have a lot of missed baking rights now and it is hard to tell whether because of overdelegation or just baker skill so his ranking will become worse.
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- 2019-02-26
- Ezy
スキップされた権利は、ネットワークデポジットが終了したときに始まります. デポジットは、新しい代理人の前と同じです.以前に委任したすべての人が受け取る金額が少なくなることはありません. これらは新しい権利です. -FIFOとは何かわかりませんskipped rights begin when a network deposit ends. deposit is the same as it was before the new delegate. all who previously delegated will not receive less. these are new rights. - I do not know what FIFO is
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- 2019-02-26
- SemElVik