あなたの質問には2つの質問が含まれていますが、1つだけとして再定式化できますか?Your question contains two questions, could you reformulate it as only one ?
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- 2019-02-12
- lefessan
cagoの答えを考えると、代わりに操作ハッシュに何が含まれるかを尋ねるために質問を再定式化するのは良い考えかもしれません.おそらくもっと一般的な値があります.Given cago's answer, it might be a good idea to reformulate the question to ask about what goes in the operations hash instead? It probably has more generic values.
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- 2019-02-12
- Frank
2 回答
- 投票
- 2019-02-12
The first list contains the endorsements.
The second list contains all the operations regarding votes and proposals.
The third list contains anonymous operations.
The last one contains the manager operations (reveal, transaction, delegation and origination).
If you need to check only the transactions, you should check only the last one.
それが「マルチパス検証」と呼ばれるものだと思います.最初に操作の最初のリストを検証し(適合性が正しいことを確認するため)、ブロックがまだ最適なものである場合は、次の順序で他の操作の検証を開始できます.重要性.I think that's what they call "the multipass validation", they first validate the first list of operations (to check that the fitness is correct), and if the block is still the best one, you can start validating the other operations by order of importance.
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- 2019-02-12
- lefessan
- 2019-02-12
Difference between reveal and transaction:
When a wallet sends a transaction, it must sign the transaction with the user's private key. However, there is no way for other users to check the signature, if they don't have the corresponding public key. That's why the wallet must issue a Reveal operation first, to reveal the public key of the user.
どうもありがとう.私の取引所はテゾをリストしたいと思っています.ありがとうu詳細な答え.thanks very much. My exchange want to list tezos. thanks u detail answer.
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- 2019-02-13
- purplecity
ウォレットがトランザクションを送信するときの意味は、2種類の操作(リビールとトランザクション)が必要ですか?紛らわしいです...is mean when a wallet send a transaction,must have 2 kind operation(reveal and transaction)? is confusing...
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- 2019-02-13
- purplecity
取引所で働いている場合は、プレートフォームの作成に役立つ可能性のあるTezos技術アドバイザーと契約する必要があります.質問が多すぎて、このフォーラムには広すぎるようです.私の会社はそれをします...If you are working for an exchange, maybe you should contract with Tezos tech advisors, that could help you build your plateform. Looks like you have too many questions and too broad for this forum. My company does that...
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- 2019-02-14
- lefessan
rpc api GET ..//operationsで呼び出す場合.常に2つの空の[]があります.どういう意味?