proto 003の料金に関する情報は、https://tezos.stackexchange.com/q/106/118で入手できます.Some information about fees in proto 003 is available here https://tezos.stackexchange.com/q/106/118
- 0
- 2019-02-12
- Ezy
2 回答
- 投票
- 2019-02-12
In Tezos, the fee is independant from the gas : whatever the gas consumed, you always pay the full fee.
However, bakers will probably compute the ratio fee/gas, and prefer transactions with higher fee/gas, i.e. more reward for less computation.
パン屋には、計算しやすい操作を選択する実際的な可能性があるとは思いません.彼らは現在受け取っている料金を最大化することしかできないと思いますね.I don’t believe that bakers have a practical possibility of choosing operations that are easier to compute. I think they can only maximize fees received currently, can’t they ?
- 0
- 2019-02-12
- Ezy
それに加えて、あなたの答えは正しくありません.料金の計算式には、gas_limit *price_per_gasという用語が含まれています.あなたの答えを明確にしていただけますか?最初の文があいまいだからです.Besides your answer is not correct: the fee formula contains a term gas_limit*price_per_gas. Can you please clarify your answer ? Cause your first sentence is ambiguous.
- 1
- 2019-02-12
- Ezy
現在、パン屋は選択していません.高額の手数料/ガスでの取引を優先する戦略を実装しているのは現在のパン屋です:https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/blob/mainnet-staging/src/proto_003_PsddFKi3/lib_delegate/client_baking_forge.ml#L189Bakers don't currently choose, it is the current baker that implements a strategy to favor transactions with high fee/gas:https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/blob/mainnet-staging/src/proto_003_PsddFKi3/lib_delegate/client_baking_forge.ml#L189
- 1
- 2019-02-12
- lefessan
- 2019-02-12
The full fee is always paid for every transactions - the gas limit is just that, a cap on the amount of gas a given transaction can consume. A baker can be guaranteed that they are paid at least fee/gas_limit per unit of gas consumed, even if they consume less.
Some bakers will also enforce a minimum per_gas fee, which is currently set to 0.1 mutez (or 1 nanotez) per unit of gas.