ダブルベーキングはどのように起こりますか?そしてそれを回避する方法は?How can double baking happen? And how to avoid it?
- 0
- 2019-06-27
- mxtzm
2 回答
- 投票
- 2019-01-30
Currently, as of protocol 003, double baking(or endorsing) is penalized with losing all of one's rewards and bonds for that cycle in which the double bake(or endorse) occurred. The rewards are completely burnt. Bonds are half burnt and half rewarded to the baker that baked the block that includes the accuse operation.
If double bake occurs, the baker should stop all baking for that cycle in which the double bake occurred. Any new further rewards or bonds made for that cycle could be penalized again by the same accusation. Yes, you can get accused more than once for the same double bake! Also, the accuse operation is allowed to be included up to 5 cycles after the cycle with the double bake. This is why all baking should halt after the double bake for that cycle because you are not safe from another accusation until 5 cycles later.
As long as your next bake(or endorse) happen on a cycle after the cycle you had double bake, those rewards and bonds are safe from accusation. But any rewards and bonds for the double baked cycle will still be open for accusation for another 5 cycles.
明確にするために、告発者は匿名であるため、告発者はチェーンを保護するのを助ける以外にこれから実際には何も得られません.告発作戦を含むブロックのパン屋は、債券の半分とおそらく手数料も受け取るものです.just to clarify, the accuser is anonymous so the accuser actually doesn't get anything from this other than helping to safeguard the chain. The baker of the block that includes the accuse operation is the one that gets the half of the bonds and perhaps fees also.
- 2
- 2019-02-01
- Frank