2 回答
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- 2019-03-02
tezos-client remember contract <new alias> <kt1...>
tezos-client list known contracts
tezos-client get balance for <new alias>
元のアカウントから転送するには、暗黙のアカウント(tz1 ...)の秘密鍵がクライアントに認識されている必要があります.
tezos-client import secret key <new alias> <secret key>
tezos-client transfer <amount> from <alias of kt1...> to <destination PKH>
tezos-clientを使用して暗黙的なアカウントから発信アカウントを作成する場合は、@ cousinitで指定されたコマンドを使用します.
To add an originated account to the cli wallet:
tezos-client remember contract <new alias> <kt1...>
Check if the originated account was successfully added to the client:
tezos-client list known contracts
Show balance of the originated account:
tezos-client get balance for <new alias>
In order to transfer from the originated account, the secret key of the implicit account (tz1...) must be known by the client:
tezos-client import secret key <new alias> <secret key>
Then transfers from originated accounts are similar to transfers for implicit accounts:
tezos-client transfer <amount> from <alias of kt1...> to <destination PKH>
Note that these examples are for use cases when you created the implicit and originated accounts in another wallet and you want to use these accounts also within the tezos-client.
If you want to create an originated account from an implicit account with the tezos-client, then use the command given by @cousinit.
- 2019-02-09
client add address <new alias> <public key hash to which alias applies>
特定のtz1エイリアスの発信アカウントを作成するには、0.257 xtzが消費されることに注意する必要があります.さらに、操作の料金を指定する必要があります.
次のコマンドは、指定されたtz1アカウントの元のアカウントを作成し、それに1000xtzの資金を転送し、委任可能としてマークし、0.002 xtz PLUSの単一料金を支払いながらその代理人を割り当てると、追加の0.257が焼き尽くされます.tz1アカウントの
client originate account <enter an alias for the new account> for <alias or pkh of your tz1> transferring 1000.0 from <alias or pkh of your tz1> --delegate <alias or pkh of the account to which you want to delegate your funds> --fee 0.002
when working with the Tezos command line client it's useful know that you can give accounts an alias to make it easier to enter commands:
client add address <new alias> <public key hash to which alias applies>
To create an originated account for a given tz1 alias, you need to be aware that it will burn 0.257 xtz, plus you need to specify a fee for the operation.
Rather than do it in multiple steps and pay multiple fees, you can do it all in one command. Assuming you want the originated account to able to delegate its amount to a baker, then you either need to flag it as delegatable or add the delegate at the time you create it.
The following command will create an originated account for the specified tz1 account, and transfer 1000xtz funds to it, mark it as delegatable, and assign its delegate while paying a single fee of 0.002 xtz PLUS you will see an extra 0.257 burned out of the tz1 account
client originate account <enter an alias for the new account> for <alias or pkh of your tz1> transferring 1000.0 from <alias or pkh of your tz1> --delegate <alias or pkh of the account to which you want to delegate your funds> --fee 0.002
kt1アカウントを簡単に監視する方法と、マネージャーの秘密鍵(tz1)が使用可能な場合に、自分のkt1アドレスからどのように使用できるかを知りたかったので、元の質問を編集して意味を明確にしました.私はあなたの答えに感謝します.I edited the original question to clarify the meaning, as I wanted to know how a kt1 account can simply be monitored and how one can spend from own kt1 addresses when the private key for the manager (tz1) is available. I appreciate your answer though.
- 1
- 2019-02-09
- cryptodad
add address <new> <src>
など).また、マネージャーの秘密鍵(tz1 address)利用可能です、それからどのように使うのですか?