1 回答
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- 2019-02-08
で入手できます.The simplest way to calculate efficiency and the one currently used by that site is the following formula:
(bakes + endorses) divided by (priority 0 bakes rights + endorse rights)
Using that formula you can actually get a greater than 100% efficiency when you bake a non priority 0 block.
For added complexity, you can decide to weigh the value differently depending on age of blocks baked because it might be more meaningful to you to know that a baker has been doing a better job very recently rather than over a long period of time. Additionally you might want to value bakes as more important than endorses.
The data to perform these calculations yourself is available at
ウィンドウフィルタリングは素晴らしいアイデアです!The window filtering is a great idea!
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- 2019-02-08
- jdsika
よかった.ありがとう!tzscan.ioでは、ベイクと推奨が明らかです.パン屋ごとの権利を確認する簡単な方法はありますか?Great, thank you! Bakes and enorsements are obvious on Is there an easy way to see rights per baker?
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- 2019-02-09
- nurikabe
tzscanの権利は、アカウントの[ベーキング]タブにあります.下にスクロールして履歴セクションを見ると、実際には、ベイクと承認の両方の今後のサイクルも一覧表示されます.矢印をクリックして詳細を展開すると、優先順位とスロットが表示されます.これは、ファンデーションベイカーアカウントの1つの例へのリンクです rights on tzscan are found under the "Bakings" tab for an account. If you scroll down and look at the history section it actually lists also the upcoming cycles for both bakes and endorsements where you can click the arrow to expand the details to see the priorities and slots. Here is a link to an example for one of the foundation baker accounts
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- 2019-02-09
- cousinit
MyTezosBaker には効率の列があります.よくわかりませんが、これはパン屋がオンラインでイベントを焼いたり承認したりするための指標だと思います.
効率はどのように計算されますか?これは から導き出すことができますか?