2 回答
- 投票
- 2019-02-05
You will not incur any penalties as long as you don't double bake so you can just stop running your nodes.
The key thing when shutting down is to remember that you have earned future baking rights 7 cycles in advance. So if you want to make full use of the rights and earn all of your rewards you need to leave your baker running with enough funds to cover deposits until your rights have ended. Any balance you don't need for paying deposits should be put into a KT account and delegated elsewhere as soon as possible
To stop earning further rights you just need to have less than 1 roll in staking balance (baker balance + frozen deposits + delegated balances).
1つの追加: 将来の製パン権のためにパン屋に残しておく金額は、サービスに委任するときに利益を得る可能性があるため、ある程度の「逸失利益」が伴いますが、これは無視できると思います.One addition: There is a certain amount of "lost profits" involved, because the amount to leave at the baker for the future baking rights could earn yourself a return when delegating it to a service, but I guess this could be neglected.
- 0
- 2019-02-05
- jdsika
- 2019-02-05
- すでに資格がある報酬をカバーするためにアカウントに残す必要がある賭け金の最大額を計算します.基本的に、次の7サイクルの今後の報酬の合計
- 残りの残高を選択したパン屋に委任し、手順1で計算した金額を残します
- これにより、次のサイクルで残高が10k未満になり、パン屋は特典の対象外になります
- 各サイクルの後に無料のTezoを委任するか、7番目のサイクルが終了するまで待って一度にすべて委任できるようになりました
- パン屋の電源を切ります
I have done it by following these steps:
- Calculate the maximum amount of stake you will need to leave in the account to cover rewards you are already eligible for. Basically the sum the upcoming rewards for the next 7 cycles
- Delegate the remainder of your balance to your chosen baker leaving the amount you calculated in step 1
- This should leave you with a balance less than 10k at the next cycle so your baker will no longer be eligible for rewards
- You can now either delegate any free Tezos after each cycle or wait until the end of the 7th cycle and delegate it all at once
- Turn off your baker
If there is a possibility of stealing a block you may want to leave more tezos in your bakers account to cover that possibility