2 回答
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- 2019-02-04
It is better (although more complex) to use fitness/endorsements. 900 fitness/endorsements is roughly 30 "normal" blocks (i.e. blocks with close to full endorsements), which is a simpler rule of thumb for users to remember and check.
The difference would be if the past 30 blocks have very low endorsements/fitness - this would make a chain-split in the past a higher probability. Confirming after just "30 blocks" is more riskier in my opinion.
If you can monitor the fitness/endorsement difference, I would use that.
- 2019-02-04
確率的ファイナリティを達成しています.トランザクションが再編成によって影響を受ける可能性を減らす30の確認の推奨時間の後. 可能性について
会話がありますテンダーミント 編集20190328:テンダーミントが Cryptium Labs によってテゾに実装されることが正式に発表されました. TezosFoundation助成金を受け取りました.
Tezos current protocol (003) achieves probabilistic finality after a recommended time of 30 confirmations which reduces the chances of the transaction being impacted by a reorg.
There are conversations about the possibility to evolve the consensus in the future to achieve absolute finality in 1 block time with a BFT type of mechanism such as tendermint
EDIT 20190328: it is now official that tendermint will be implemented for tezos by Cryptium Labs who has received a Tezos Foundation grant for it.