1 回答
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- 2019-02-03
hard_gas_limit_per_block = 4000000
gas_limit : 10100
Currently, there is a fixed constant that limits the total gas usage of a single block to:
hard_gas_limit_per_block = 4000000
With the proto003 fee change, transactions (txs) have minimum gas costs of:
gas_limit : 10100
This means that the maximum number of txs per block is limited to 4,000,000/10100, which is ~396. As blocks have at least a 60 second interval, we have a theoretical maximum of 6.6 (396/60) transactions per second (TPS).
Prior to the proto003 update, higher TPS were possible. It's not clear how the proposed protocol amendment by Nomadic Labs would affect this as no specifics have been released yet. Obviously an increase of the gas limit per block would help to remove this restriction on TPS.
それらはhard_gas_limit_per_operation定数を増やすだけだと思います.したがって、その場合、TPSに影響を与えることはありません.現在hard_gas_limit_per_blockを増やす正当な理由を見つけるのは難しいです.I assume they will only increase the hard_gas_limit_per_operation constant. So in that case it shouldn't affect the TPS. Hard to see any good reasons for increasing hard_gas_limit_per_block currently.
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- 2019-02-04
- Klassare
たぶん-もともとTezosは、Tezosの理論上のTPSは約40であると述べられていました(後でテストを実行しているコミュニティメンバーによって確認されました).TPSの低下は、PROTO003の変更による意図しない副作用であったため、これを修正するためにhard_gas_limit_per_blockを増加させました.6倍に増やすと、TPSが再調整されます(以前と同様に、代わりにopサイズの制限に達し始めます).Maybe - originally Tezos it was stated that Tezos would have a theoretical TPS of ~40 (which was later confirmed by a community member running tests). The drop in TPS was an unintended side-effect of the PROTO003 changes, so they co.6uld increase the hard_gas_limit_per_block to rectify this. A 6x increase would re-align the TPS (which would then start hitting the op size limits instead, as they were before).
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- 2019-02-04
- Stephen Andrews
TPSの低下は、おそらくスパムを防ぐための意図された「副作用」でした.それが間違って行われたものだとは信じがたいです.ビットコインやイーサリアムよりも高いTPSを持つことは現在必要ではなく、スパマーにのみ役立ちます.hard_gas_limit_per_blockは、実際に必要であり、接続されたノードがそれを処理できることがわかっている場合にのみ増やす必要があります.現在の最大TPSが約6.6であっても、はるかに高く設定できることはわかっていますが、現時点では、紙の上で見栄えを良くするよりも保守的であることが重要です.The drop in TPS was probably an intended "side-effect" in order to prevent spam. I have a hard time to believe it was something done by mistake. Having a higher TPS than Bitcoin and Ethereum is currently not needed and would only be useful for spammers. hard_gas_limit_per_block should only be increased when there is a practical need for it and when we know that the connected nodes would be able to handle it. Even if the max TPS right now is ~6.6 we know that it could be set much higher, but right now it is more important to be conservative than to make it look good on a paper.
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- 2019-02-04
- Klassare
固定定数 `hard_gas_limit_per_block:8000 000`を確認しました.これは、ブロックあたりのトランザクションの最大数が8000 000/10100、〜792に制限されていることを意味します.I just checked the fixed constant : `hard_gas_limit_per_block:8000 000`, which mean the maximum number of transactions per block is limited to: 8000 000/10100, ~792.
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- 2019-09-17
- Quyen
ブロックあたりの現在のガスとストレージの制限を考えると、proto 003で1秒あたり(またはより自然な単位の場合はブロックあたり)に実行できる単純なXTZ転送操作の最大数はいくつですか?