$ nohup ./tezos-node run --rpc-addr :8732 --log-output tezos.log &
$ ./tezos-baker-004-Pt24m4xi run with local node ~/.tezos-node <baking_address>
$ ./tezos-accuser-004-Pt24m4xi run
$ ./tezos-endorser-004-Pt24m4xi run <baking_address>
I've previously setup masternodes and non-minting nodes and I want to setup a baking node. I have all the prerequisites ready to start a baking mainnet node, but I'm not comfortable on going ahead because I don't fully understand all the pieces of the tutorials when reading them top to bottom. So I was hoping I could walkthrough what I think is this most up to date guide and pose questions regarding some of the steps.
I have a TZ1 account with the necessary funds to start a baking operation. Let's assume for a second I've used TezBox to hold these funds. I also have a Ubuntu Server ready to go.
I get all the linux and build steps in that guide above. My questions start on the actual Tezos setup
./tezos-node identity generate
What identity is this? Are we generating an address (wallet?) for the baker? Since a baker has to hold 8.25% of the funds this is the address that I would assume the baker funds have to sent to. Unless there's a special type of delegate that is considered the baker and then you could sort that out with smart contracts without actually transfer of funds. Am I too off here?
$ nohup ./tezos-node run --rpc-addr :8732 --log-output tezos.log &
$ ./tezos-baker-004-Pt24m4xi run with local node ~/.tezos-node <baking_address>
$ ./tezos-accuser-004-Pt24m4xi run
$ ./tezos-endorser-004-Pt24m4xi run <baking_address>
Are these processes running in paralel, tezos-node and the other 3? I assume if the tezos-node is not running the others will obviouly not work properly. Correct?
What address is the baking_address? Is that the address generated in the identity generate step?
Step: Generate a key with the alias my_account
What is the purpose of these set of steps?
Step: Create an originate contract for delegating
This I think creates the address where others can delegate to. Correct?
By the end of the tutorial I still have these questions:
- There were no funds transferred to the baking address. How is the baker associated with the funds required for baking, especially the bond?
I know it's quite a few questions, so thank you in an advance. Any help is much appreciated.
There are a lot of good questions here, but each question should be its own separate question. This will help others also instead of just helping your specific confusion. I would also try to encourage to search for relevant questions/answers that may answer these questions individually.
アカウントを持っています.私がこれらの資金を保持するためにTezBoxを使用したと少しの間仮定しましょう. Ubuntuサーバーの準備もできています.フォローするのは https://medium.com/@tezbaker.io/tezos-mainnet-setting-up-home-baking-4bf258a9fd30
./tezos-node identity generate
$ nohup ./tezos-node run --rpc-addr :8732 --log-output tezos.log &
とはどのアドレスですか?それはidentity generate
ステップで生成されたアドレスですか?Step: Generate a key with the alias my_account
Step: Create an originate contract for delegating
チュートリアルの終わりまでに、私はまだこれらの質問があります: -ベーキングアドレスに送金された資金はありませんでした.パン職人は、パン作りに必要な資金、特に債券とどのように関連していますか?